
Image result for dad holding baby

As Thanksgiving is coming to a close and Christmas is on its way, I invite you all to consider one of the greatest gifts that you've got. That gift is yourself. You are here because a man and a woman created you. I want to focus on fatherhood this week and why this is so important. I, myself, personally grew up in a family that had both my mother and father there; however I know some that may be reading this article did not. Some may even, unfortunately, have a distrust or disliking to their father. For whatever the case, I want to inspire you to either prepare to become a father or to even reach out to your father and say thank you for everything they've done.

Please note, I will be covering ideas and suggestions that I found through research studies. At the same time, I am focusing upon key points and fundamentals that I find appealing. Think about the father figures in your life and how they possibly follow under these concepts.

When it comes to fatherhood, I only have to remember the letter P. P is a strong letter for fatherhood. Fatherhood consists is to: provide, preside, protect, partner, and be present. Let's check out each one of these in a closer relation.

Provide: this is simple as it sounds. A father's position is to make available the necessary things for their family. This could be physical materials, such as food and housing; human relations, such as providing opportunities for their children to share and develop their skills; and social availability which is giving time and energy into developing a relationship with each child.

Preside: To preside could be broken down into three parts. First, be a spiritual leader (or to help the child find a purpose to life.) Second, do the obligations a father would do. Third, exercise guidance to children in their choices and decisions. 

Protect: I wish to quote a section of the article which I read: "One definition of protecting in fathering might be to arouse one's sense of responsibility and actively work to ensure that children avoid risks or personal harm by modeling positive behaviors, mentoring children in personal abilities, and monitoring their behaviors and environment."

Partner: Becoming a partner to a child means becoming a partner to your spouse. It is important to know that raising a child is creating a community of relationships. 

Be Present: To children, nothing is more important than security. Father's have the responsibilities "to be there for one's children with your physical presence and availability, mental awareness and engagement, and practical involvement in their lives and activities." 

Although these may be good and dandy fundamentals, why are they so important? Well for another article that I studied from suggests that father's have a key component for helping build a stronger child. Most criminals come from a family that doesn't have an active father. Most troubled children come from homes that have no father. Children that have mental disorders have a tendency to come from homes that don't have a father. I am not bashing single mothers, however there is a certain sense of stability that comes from having a father in the house. Having a father helps boys channel their testosterone and for girls to help them gain self respect and stay away from year sexual encounters. 

 Overall, a father is important. I know for me personally, my father has offered me a sense of determination and dignity through trials. He hasn't always had the easiest time since I have been around. From having many jobs that have laid him off, from debilitating illnesses, and having a rather moody child like me. He has shown me ways to never give up on anything and there is a positive side to everything. Was my father the best dad in the world? Ha, no. But was he the best dad to me? Why yes, yes he was. 

So start now by preparing to be a father by learning how to provide, preside, protect, partner, and to be present. Ladies! Find ways to allow your husbands, or potential husbands, to exhibit these qualities. Your children are important and they deserve to grow up secure and strong with a father p


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